Danielle Diamond is a senior events executive, award-winning public speaker, and communications consultant.
She is the event lead for Aztec Group in Luxembourg and former Chief Marketing Officer of ChefPassport - a cook-tech company specializing in virtual cooking experiences. One of her main achievements is leading the product development and launch of ChefPassport for business, along with designing the training program for the firm's Top Chef Instructor program.
As a current mentor at the Founder Institute Luxembourg, Danielle helps aspiring entrepreneurs sell, pitch, and build rapport with audiences ranging from investors, partners, business angels, and collaborators.
Originally from the US and with 10 years of international experience, Danielle gained her Luxembourg citizenship in 2017. Prior to that, she obtained a bachelor's in political science and a master's in communication.
Upon her arrival in Luxembourg, Danielle founded the non-profit, the Luxembourg Gender Voice Initiative ASBL - which she sat as a board member for three years and won the title of 'Inspiring Woman of the Year in Community Service' in 2014. Since then, she has sat as a board member on various other non-profit organizations during her time in the Grand Duchy.
Danielle believes that constructive feedback is the best way to learn and that the safe environment Toastmasters has offered her to 'fail' with success led her into being our 2019 Division and District winner, and gaining worldwide recognition as one the top 10 European Toastmasters in Europe last year.
Her favorite Toastmaster role is Evaluator, this along with her mentorship experiences for startups, makes her a perfect fit for this year's Pitchathon panel.